Monday, May 4, 2009

PTC In The Style Of Entrecard.Com

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Since the program launched by cashout parties Entrecard, a lot of hunters looking for opportunities in the dollar Entrecard. I have let on that post that the crowd berbondong-Newbe this is the money or the search on the internet that until now have never enjoyed any of the $ 1 working hard on the internet. But for the master site or blog, Entrecard is a land to get as big traffic to get advertising dollars from other programs, so many of the master purchase credit not switch the money.

Back to the title of PTC in the style of, PTC's why I called once again this is only my opinion and my responses, but I mean that PTC is more powerful, why not let us calculate :

• Each exchange will be multiplier 1000 with the price $ 1, so the next.
• Every time you drop one will get 1 credit, and if other people drop to a blog or site then we will get 1 credit.
• Maximum drop to 300 per 1 acount (eg you have a blog or site 3), means 900 can kredir. (This is done easily if you use the Tools Bar Entrecard and tricks specific)
• Then every time you post an article or blog on our site will get 25 credit.
• And the more diligent you drop 300 per day, then the level populeritas blog or your site will increase and will be sorted on the most popular blog, so in a day you can get thousands and even tens of thousands of credit entrecar.

Once again in this article only go for the hunter Newbe dollar, and for the master this is normal and does not want to just $ 1 to $ 2 for the master of thousands of dollars they look. To all colleagues of this article according to how you, if there is an error in the error please ....

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5 comments to “PTC In The Style Of Entrecard.Com”

aria said...

traffic is no 1 for mmo blogs. very easy to get huge traffic from ec, but since they use paid ads, I've got a little visitors each day.


i added your site link in my blogroll

bangchoy said...

nice info,
so we must try to get much credit for change it with $$$, right? :)

Priya said...

Really a nice idea of earning money and having fun. Must TRY!!!

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